Australia - Photos In Darwin, Kakadu and my Birthday

Roger had come all the way over from England to Oz to spend a while doing a bit of 4x4ing with me, but due to Tina being a little unwell, we decided to book a 4WD tour around Kakadu National Park instead.

So let me introduce you to our Kakadu crew, starting from me (that's the ugly bugger at the bottom) working clockwise we have: Emma, Ruddie, Denise, Paul, Mel, Rog, Seiki, Will (our tour guide) and finally Kate (A real lady..!!!).

Jumping Crocs: Apart from the filming of Croc Dundee, this is another things that Kakadu is really famous for. "The Saltwater Crocs are everywhere, everything is a croc, they don't jump like this anywhere else, only here."

You can still view some of the aboriginal art on the rocks around Kakadu, the art varies in age and detail, some have stories or lessons connected with them.

The photo below right has a great story to it, as we were in the pool, a fresh water croc charged out of his cave and gave a good snap at the group (unfortunately I was just swimming over after grabbing my torch and not my knife... its not fair). A day later one of the tour guides ends up in the news paper after the croc taking a bite of him. Double dam. Just to top things off this is where I managed to break my finger while in the plunge pools at the top of the falls (I wan not even rock climbing).

Ok who knows what part of Croc Dundee this was in, hint it did have a croc in it. Unfortunately no croc for me to wrestle this time but I did look.

What a cool group of guys and girls, what magical place, such great memories. Guys just remember, Teradactors, Polarization, Feeding time at the zoo, Everything is a croc, Horse Racing (Michel Jackson..Aowww).

The day after we got back from Kakadu it was my birthday (27.. Already). What can I say, Birthday cake (with candles), presents, cards, streamers, balloons. "Thank You, So So Much" all of you for making it such a special day for me.

Then it was time to hit the Vic (Darwin's answer to all Ibiza pub/clubs).

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