Australia - Photos, Kalgoorlie

My last few weeks in Kal were pretty much the same old, same old, working 5 days a week, with 12h days underground getting covered in grease and salt water. The weekend spent working on my first car. The nights were then spent out on the piss in Kal with the normal crew. I had decided that I had to at least do a few tourist things. The blast at the huge KCGM open cut gold mine and a pub in the ghost town

Dan, Brett and Me Working on the Car

The Boys From GoldDust Ready for a night out, Chris, Dan, Jeremy, Nathan, Me, Phil, Steve.(From Right to left of the group shot)

Our last night in Kal was messy as you can only imagine, it was done 'Kal style' we went out with Chris wearing a Japanese bandana wrapped around his head and me a Santa hat.. That was without Chris deciding to take wear Sharon's clothes and handbag. It was a great night with probably the largest crowd of Golddust'ers (our hostel) out in the one place at once.

In how many pubs in the world can you have horse saddle races through the bar, while being served by skimpies.

Adam and Me Drilling Underground (A Gold Mine)

We stop at the Wave Rock as Chris and I escape Kal and make our way to Perth

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