After various examinations and blood tests the Doc told me that I had been very, very, very Ill... that's it! your not going to tell me what was wrong with me? (Dam, I could have told her that and that is without a crystal ball).
I was leaving John and Amanda, they were hanging around for a while and then heading East. So once again I had to find a new team, this time to cross the notorious Nullarbor Plain. The trip west from Adelaide to Perth links the world's most isolated city (Perth), the 2,700 Klick drive is equivalent to driving from London to Moscow.
My new team (from right to left) Freddy from Frankfurt, Fenja and Sophie both friends from Denmark.
Instead of just driving straight across the Eyre Peninsula, we decided to follow the beach road that ran around the point. It added some extra klicks and time but it was all worth as the views and scenery was exquisitely breathtaking. And after coming out the desert the last thing I wanted to see again was more desert, the sea was a great rest bite.